The Dangers of Gum Disease and How to Prevent it

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Periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, is a disease caused by tartar buildup in our mouths which left unchecked can eventually lead to tooth loss.

The most important thing you can do to prevent gum disease is to take care of your teeth and gums through daily oral health care. Below are some of the potential dangers to be aware of and their link to gum disease:

– Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco at all costs. Tobacco can cause gum disease, and can even lead to cancer or death.

– Although you really cannot prevent hormonal changes, it is important to know that hormone changes in women and young girls can increase the chance for gingivitis to develop, which is a precursor to gum disease.

– Diabetes can increase your risk for gum disease, along with a host of other diseases.

– Various medications can increase the risk of gum disease by causing your mouth to dry easier, preventing saliva from protecting your teeth and gums. Be sure to speak with your dentist at High Desert Dental about what medications you may be taking.

– A poor diet will not only increase your risk for gum disease but increases your risk for a host of other issues. Always maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Gum disease has many stages of severity, many of which can be reversed. To learn more or to schedule a visit with Dr. Trista Pottenger and our team, you can call our office in Boise, Idaho, by calling our number at 208-350-6795. We look forward to seeing you smile bright this season!